MPW London

YEAR GROUP: 12 (one day film school)
“The One Day Film School has been part of our Y12 Induction Week at MPW London since 2007. At the start of the academic year, MPW students – many of whom do not yet know each other – spend a day bonding over making a film as part of a group of fellow students. Each student takes on a responsibility – director, producer, screenwriter, camera or actor – and works to a strict deadline before presenting their work at the annual MPW Oscars. We book the One Day Film School because it gives students the opportunity to experience meeting other students in their year group that they might not otherwise get the opportunity to meet, in a setting that is more informal than that of lessons. The best comment I had was that day was the best introduction to MPW and that it really helped them make friends at the beginning of the year as they had a point of reference in common” – Maya Waterstone, director of studies