Francis Holland School, Sloane Square

years booked: 2017-
year groups: 7 (one day film school) 8 (the sequel)
“The YFA was a huge success and we’re very grateful to you for leading such a creative and engaging workshop. It’s certainly something that I’m sure we’d love to repeat in future” – ROB CAWLEY, SENIOR DEPUTY HEAD ACADEMIC
“‘The Young Film Academy have visited our school for a number of years and are always an exciting highlight to the calendar for our Year 7 & 8 girls. they are always very professional, easy to work with and manage to inspire and guide our girls to create their own films in a day. The highlight is always the film festival at the end of the day and I’m always surprised by the quality produced in such a short time. The girls are always buzzing when they leave at the end of the day. We are booking them again for next year now” – laura sanderson, Head of Lower School Enrichment
“I loved being able to collaborate with many different girls in my year, especially ones I have had yet to work with. I enjoyed running around and filming creatively, whilst also learning about my teammate’s talents and contributions. I especially loved the end of the day when we all got to see each other’s projects, as it was extremely fun, but it also showed us what we did well, and what we could work on!”

“I developed my creativity by thinking about storytelling, but also seeing what others did, which I think showed how we can differentiate and have our own thoughts and ideas. I developed my curiosity by learning about more film techniques, which was very enjoyable to learn about. I developed my commitment, by me and my team working so hard on our project, and not wasting a single second”

“I developed my collaboration by learning about my teammate’s individual attributes, and how we all contribute something special. I developed my craftmanship by doing something different. I usually enjoy being the actress, whilst I had widened my horizons and decided to be co-director/cinematographer, which not only taught me a lot, but also opened me up to new interests”

“I developed my confidence by working with a whole new set of people, and by helping a lot with the filmmaking, which I think instilled more confidence, as I’m usually on the shyer sider with most people I don’t know very well. I developed my communication by talking with my team.”

“At the start of the project, we often found we had many disagreements and arguments about what we thought, but not long after, I realized that for our project to work, we had to not only input our thoughts and ideas, but genuinely listen to others’ ideas. At first, I often found myself pushing others’ ideas away as I was too distracted with my own, but after hearing what my team had to say, I realized how good theirs could be, and a lot of them were better than mine!”