How would you rate your expectations prior to running the course – and why?
It is always tricky to know how pupils will react and cope to working independently and through an online course.
How satisfied were you with the course – and why?
The pupils all absolutely loved it.
Did you feel the course was good value for money – if so, why?
Yes – they completed their movies, but as they can access their accounts for a year they can continue learning and making things at home.
Course rating by categories with comments.
Screen time Vs Practical activity
Age-appropriateness of content
Learning new skills
Quality of pupil films
Film History
Fight Choreography
They loved this!
They learnt a lot and were able to implement it into their movies.
10-Shot Film Challenge
How likely are you to recommend the course – and why?
Filmmaking seems quite a close knit industry which is hard to get into (I could be wrong!) I think this exposure helps to breakdown that facade and show it is a viable career path for anyone.