Vanessa Viirret
Year 9 Dean
Out of 10, how would you rate your expectations prior to running the course – and why?
7/10. It looks really great on the website and the instructions seem really clear. My concerns were that the kids might not buy into it (because they’re at that stage where they are too cool for everything), how we were going to manage it with social distancing/mask requirements, and if the foley sound stuff would still work despite not being able to supply fruit for them to hit.
Out of 10, how satisfied were you with the course?
10. Extremely. It was so much fun for the students and relatively easy from the teaching perspective. One student who usually does not enjoy school said it was the best day at school he had ever had.
Did you feel the course was good value for money?
Very much so.
Please rate the course in the following areas (1 – VERY POOR, 2 – POOR, 3- SATISFACTORY, 4 – GOOD, 5 – EXCELLENT):
* Screen time Vs Practical activity 4
* Age-appropriateness of content 5
* Learning new skills 4
* Quality of pupil films 4
* Film History 4
* Fight Choreography 5
* Camera 4
* 10-Shot Film Challenge 5
Out of 10, how likely are you to recommend the course?